Conferences, articles

Szabó Gábor: Relating language examinations to the CEFR: ECL as a case study

colloquium in Cambridge December 2007.

The Language Phenomenon without Frontiers 5th international conference

12-14 June 2008, Varna, Bulgaria

Plenary talk: Realization of the CEFR requirements in the ECL examinations

Huszti Judit

Экология своременной культуры.

1-2 November, 2008, Moscow, Russia

Особенности экзамена по русскому языку: уровни, требования, контроль.

Huszti Judit, Végvári Valentyina


24th International Symposium of the Croatian Applied Linguistics Society

20-22 May 2010, Osijek, Croatia

Testen und Beurteilen der Diskurskompetenz im Rahmen der mündlichen ECL Sprachprüfung [Assessing and rating communicative competence at the ECL oral language exam]

Dr. Hrisztova-Gotthardt Hrisztalina

The 6th Annual EALTA Conference

 27–30 May 2010 The Hague, The Netherland

Comparing the Hungarian School-Leaving Exam with International Language Examinations

Együd, Györgyi – Kiszely, Zoltán – Szabó, Gábor (ECL)


25th International Symposium of the Croatian Applied Linguistics Society

12-14 May 2011 Osijek, Croatia

Analyse der lexikalischen Kompetenz von Deutschlernenden auf der Niveaustufe C1 [Analysing the lexical competence of German language learners at C1 level]

Dr. Hrisztova-Gotthardt Hrisztalina (together with  Melita Aleksa Varga)


II Международный научный симпозиум „Славянские языки и культуры в современном мире”

21-24 March 2012 Moscow, Russia,

[II. International Linguistics Conference „The  place of Slavic languages and cultures in the modern world”]

Европейско сертифициране на славянските езици – лингвистичният принос за обединяването на Европа [The contribution of linguistics to European integration: european language exams in Slavic languages]

Dr. Hrisztova-Gotthardt Hrisztalina (together with Violeta Tacheva)


The 9th Annual EALTA Conference,

2 June 2012, Innsbruck, Austria

” Interface” Validity. Investigating the potential role of face validity in content validation

Gábor Szabó, Robert Märcz 

5th International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education

Information and Education, 14-16 June, 2012 Miskolc, Hungary

Secrets of taking a successful listening comprehension test

Robert Märcz

World Meeting of Hungarian Weekend Schools, Balassi institute

9-15 July, 2012 Budapest, Hungary.

Communicative language testing procedures. Hungarian as a foreign language and the CEFR

Huszti Judit – Wéber Katalin


Urban Multilingualism and Education International Conference

6-8 March 2013 Ghent, Belgium

Bilingualism as an Advantage. A comparative study on the performance of bilinguals versus monolinguals.

Robert Märcz


10th Annual EALTA Conference,

23-26 May 2013 Istanbul, Turkey

Game over? Investigating the impact of ECL exams on successful candidates

Gábor Szabó, Róbert Märcz / ECL Examinations


XXII. Tagung des Kroatischen Deutschlehrerverbandes

10-12 October 2014 Osijek, Croatia

[22nd Coference of Croatian teachers of German]

Plenary talk: Was macht einen guten Test aus? Sprachtests in Theorie und Praxis

[ What is a good tets like? Language tests in theory and practice]

Workshop: „Übung macht den Meister” Wie erstellt man selber Aufgaben zum Lese- und Hörverstehen? [“Practice makes perfect”: How to compile listening and reading comprehension tests?]

Dr. Hrisztova-Gotthardt Hrisztalina


Levels in Hungarian as a foreign language

24 January 2014, Budapest,

Verbs and meaning construction at different language levels

Wéber Katalin


Научна конференция “Предизвикателствата на XXI век за развиване на комуникативната компетентност за професионални цели”

[Linguistics Conference: The challenges of the 21st cnetury in the field of developing]

8-9 December 2014, Varna, Bulgaria

Verstehen Sie wirklich, was Sie da lesen? Aufgaben zum Testen der fremdsprachlichen Lesekompetenz

[Do you really understand what you are reading? Tasks to assess foreign language reading comprehension skills]

Dr. Hrisztova-Gotthardt Hrisztalina
