How to pass the ECL exam? methodological book

How to pass the ECL exam?
Szabó Szilvia PhD - Dr. Papp Eszter
12 EUR
• (B1, B2 and C1) specifications, objectives, topics, bilingual explanations
• it highlights the most frequent mistakes made by learners when solving the tasks related to the individual skills
• the ‘wrong, unacceptable’ answers are all actual mistakes made by real test takers
• we provide detailed explanations why no points were given at the written and oral exam
• at the end of our book we give a summary of exam tips and useful advice (see Exam Tips)
• the Testing Glossary offers a collection of expressions and explanations related to language exams
• The accompanying CD contains the audio materials for the listening comprehension tasks
• The book also includes six colour photomontages which are part of the oral exam
• it also gives advice on how to improve learners current language competece at the given level