Candidate feedback – written exam

Dear Candidate,

Please help the work of the ECL examination system by providing feedback.



Examination centre:

Exam period:


Sex: malefemale

Skill: Reading

Were the instructions clear?
Part 1: yesno
Part 2: yesno

Did the example help you complete the task?
Part 1: yesno
Part 2: yesno

Was there enough time to:

• read and understand the tasks?
Part 1: yesno
Part 2: yesno

• complete the tasks?
Part 1: yesno
Part 2: yesno

Which task needed more time? part 1part 2

How interesting did you find the reading topics? (1 not interesting at all – 5 very interesting)

part 1 12345
part 2 12345

How difficult did you find the reading texts? (1 very easy – 5 very difficult)

part 1 12345
part 2 12345

How difficult did you find the tasks and questions? (1 very easy – 5 very difficult)

part 1 12345
part 2 12345

Was it difficult to complete the tasks? yesno

If yes, what was difficult?:

Skill: Writing

Were the instructions clear?
Part 1: yesno
Part 2: yesno

Did the bullet points help you write the composition?
Part 1: yesno
Part 2: yesno

Was there enough time to complete the tasks?
Part 1: yesno
Part 2: yesno

Which task needed more time?
Part 1: part 1part 2

How interesting did you find the writing topics? (1 not interesting at all – 5 very interesting)

part 1 12345
part 2 12345

How difficult did you find the questions and bullet points? (1 very easy – 5 very difficult)

part 1 12345
part 2 12345

Was it difficult to complete the tasks? yesno

If yes, what was difficult?:


Thank you for your help!
