Exams for candidates with special needs

Candidates with special educational needs may get specific testing accommodations provided they request it in writing. Candidates requesting specific accommodations need to provide a proof of their specific status.

The Request for Specific Procedure Form is available at the examination sites, at the Examination Centre, and can be downloaded from the following link:


The request special arrangement form has to be sent to the examination site by the deadline of the exam registration. In the form the candidate can describe what kind of assistance is needed during the exam, and can say if s/he wants to use a laptop. The official medical documents have to be attached to the request. The examination site forwards the form to the Examination Centre.

If a doctor’s or expert’s opinion is submitted after the deadline, a special arrangement may NOT be requested. If this is the case, the candidate in question may postpone their exam till the next exam period free of charge

On the basis of the doctor’s or expert’s opinion, the equal opportunities officer of the Examination Centre makes a decision on whether the special arrangement is allowed or not. The decision is sent to the examination site in question before the deadline for finalizing the exam arrangements. For testing accommodations, there is no change in the content of the exam material. Modification may only be made in the format of the language exams

The Examination Centre treats the requests for special arrangement individually within its capabilities. When determining the examination conditions it takes into consideration the diagnosis presented by the doctor’s or expert’s opinion and the individual request indicated by the candidate

Within the framework of special arrangement the Examination Centre offers the following alternative solutions

Dyslexia, dysgraphia: In the case of dyslexia or dysgraphia the candidate’s reading, writing and listening tests have a special format so that they can be read more easily. The tasks are printed using larger letters in a special type of font (Dyslexia font) having 1.5 spacing on pale yellow paper without quadding. The duration of the time available for the writing tests may be extended by 30%.

Dysgraphia: In the case of dysgraphia, if it is justified by the doctor’s or expert’s opinion, the candidate may write their compositions on a laptop that has no internet connection and use an electronic dictionary. On the listening comprehension test, candidates may require that the audio be read out loud for them if the doctor’s or expert’s opinion indicates this accommodation.

Hearing impairment: In the case of hearing impairment the audio tape for the listening comprehension test is played three times. Candidates have the option to use headphones and playing the audio at a higher volume in a separate room may also be requested. In the case of severe hearing impairment, the examination site offers a professional who reads the text so that the candidate can lip-read. The examination site employs a professional taking into account the rules regarding conflict of interest. Such a candidate may take the oral exam alone.

Partial blindness: In the case of visually impaired candidates, the Examination Centre edits the test paper into a special format: the tasks are printed in larger size and spacing using Verdana font. The duration of the time available for the writing tests may be extended by 30%.

Complete blindness: In the case of blind candidates, there may be a professional at their disposal on the listening comprehension exam who plays the tape and then reads the questions. The examination site employs a professional taking into account the rules regarding conflict of interest. In the case of the writing tests the candidate must have their own laptop without internet connection. For the monologue section of the oral exam, the candidate does not have to use the pictures, but they speak about the topic which they are provided verbally by the interviewer.

Physical disability: In the case of physical disability, candidates may use their own laptops without internet connection. In this case the examination centre provides the tasks in electronic form. The duration of the time available for the writing tests may be extended by 30%.

Provided they have the official documents required by the law, the Examination Centre assists candidates with other disabilities altering the examination arrangements individually

In the case of special arrangement the content of the exam material is not modified. Only the form can change

Information for candidates taking the exam in Hungary:  >>>>>
