Individuals turning 14 in the year of application may register for the ECL language exam.
Candidates may take this language exam in 15 different languages; however, there are not exams organized in every language on every exam date.
An online or paper-based registration form has to be completed for the application. Applicants can register online three weeks before the application deadline. The paper-based application form is available at the examination sites, and it can also be downloaded from the website of the Examination Centre. Language exams accredited in Hungary may be taken in English, German and Hungarian as a foreign language. English and German language exams can be taken at all exam dates five times per year, while the exams in the other languages can be taken twice a year. For the exact dates, see Exam Dates. Besides applying to take a complex exam (which means taking the written and oral partial exams at the same time), candidates may also apply to take only written or oral partial exam. Before applying to take an ECL exam it is advisable to read the Exam Regulations and the Practical Information.
Application may be done:
- in person by submitting the application form at the selected examination site,
- by post (the candidate sends the application form to the selected examination site),
- online at the Examination Centre’s website with an electronic application form.
The application form may be requested at the examination sites and can also be downloaded from the Examination Site’s webpage.
Proof of payment of the exam fee has to be attached to the application form, and the application is not valid without this documentation. For online applications, candidates have to send proof of payment to the examination site by e-mail.
The deadline of the application closes four weeks before the exam time.
An automatic confirmation e-mail about the application and the personal page is sent to each applicant using the e-mail address provided. Candidates who apply online receive the confirmation immediately, and those who apply with a paper-based application form will receive it by the third workday following the deadline of the application. If they do not receive the confirmation on the third workday following the deadline, they need to contact the selected examination site.
In case of a change in the name, address or any personal data, the candidate needs to inform the examination site in writing (electronically) as soon as possible so the changes can be put in the database. If this is not completed, the certificate will have incorrect data. The fee for reprinting the certificate will be charged to the candidate.
Applying for Multiple Languages or Levels
The ECL examination system allows candidates to apply to different languages and levels in the same examination period. However, for administrative reasons candidates cannot apply to the same language at different levels or to different languages at the same level.
Examination Fee
The examination fee is decided by the International ECL Examination Centre. Information about examination fees can be found on the Centre’s website.
Payment of Exam Fees
Once the exam fee has been paid the candidate has the right to take the exam or postpone the exam for the next exam period (an application needs to be completed and an extra fee has to be paid). For paper-based applications, the exam fee has to be paid at the examination site where the candidate wants to take the exam. The payment of the exam may vary according to examination sites. For a paper-based application, payment may be done with a postal check, by bank transfer, or in cash (at some examination sites). The confirmation of the payment has to be attached to the application in all cases.
For online applications, candidates are informed on their online personal page about the payment options. For online applications, the exam fee has to be transferred or sent with postal check (which is available at examination sites) to the bank account provided. The proof of the transfer can be sent electronically, and the original slip of the postal check can be sent by post or submitted in person at the examination site. The application is only valid after receiving the proof of payment. If the proof of payment does not arrive by the end of the application deadline, the examination site will delete the application.
If a candidate needs an invoice, it has to be requested when registering for the exam. The invoice data needs to be provided both on the online or paper-based application, and the candidate number and the candidate’s name have to be written on the money transfer document.
For paper-based registration, the application form has to be submitted on the day of the payment so the invoice data can be entered into the administration system. For a postal check, the candidate number should also be written on the check, provided this number is available.
If the above data are not available, no invoice will be issued. ECL may issue a certificate that has the data provided at the time of the payment.
When applying for the exam, the candidate accepts that if they do not provide the above data, there is no chance to issue the invoice on an alternate date. In such cases, the candidate receive a confirmation of payment.
Returning the Exam Fee
The exam fee cannot be refunded. If the candidate does not appear for the exam, the exam fee will be lost if the candidate does not postpone the exam. Applying for a new exam is only possible by paying the exam fee again.
If the candidate cannot take the exam because of an urgent issue, the examination site may return 40% of the exam fee on the basis of a written request and a decision made about the circumstances. This request may be accepted only if it is received at least one day before the day of the exam. The fee for a postponed exam may not be refunded either.
Informing the Candidates about the Time and Location of the Exam
Candidates get informed about the time and location of their exams on their personal pages at least 10 days before the exam. This information includes the candidate’s identification number generated by the computer, exact details about the location and time of each part of the exam, and other relevant info (e.g. rules, sanctions, devices allowed, etc.).