Dear Candidate,
Please help the work of the ECL examination system by providing feedback.
Level: ---A2B1B2C1
Examination centre:
Exam period:
Sex: malefemale
Skill: Listening Comprehension
Were the instructions clear? Part 1: yesno Part 2: yesno
Did the example help you complete the task? Part 1: yesno Part 2: yesno
Was there enough time to:
• read and understand the tasks? Part 1: yesno Part 2: yesno
• complete the tasks? Part 1: yesno Part 2: yesno
Which task needed more time? part 1part 2
How interesting did you find the listening topics? (1 not interesting at all – 5 very interesting)
part 1 12345 part 2 12345
How difficult did you find the listening texts? (1 very easy – 5 very difficult)
How difficult did you find the tasks and questions? (1 very easy – 5 very difficult)
How was the sound quality of the recordings? (1 bad quality – 5 very good quality)
Was it difficult to complete the tasks? yesno
If yes, what was difficult?:
Please write your opinion about the following:
What did you like the most about the exam? Why?
What would you suggest to improve the exam?
Were you happy with the organization of the exam? (1 not at all – 5 very happy) 12345
Skill: Oral Communication
Did the introductory discussion help minimize exam anxiety? (1 not al all – 5 absolutely)
Guided conversation (dialogue with the other candidate)
Was the conversation with the other candidate successful? (1 not al all – 5 absolutely)
Individual talk on the basis of visual stimuli
Were the pictures helpful for the monologue? (1 no – 5 they helped a lot)
How interesting did you find the topics of the tasks? (1 not interesting at all – 5 very interesting)
Was the atmosphere of the exam acceptable? (1 no – 5 absolutely)
Upcoming events
H-7624 Pécs, Damjanich u. 30. II. emelet.
Tel: +36 72-501-500/22133