Seal of Biliteracy

The Department of Education of Virginia has approved ECL language exam in 15 ECL languages at level B1 as a proof of evidence of Biliteracy Seal for those graduating in 2021.

More information:

Epidemiological Situation – Update

As a result of the current health emergency, to prevent the spread of this dangerous epidemic threatening the security of persons and property and to preserve the health of citizens, all language examination activities have been suspended for an indefinite period of time and postponed to a later date.

Accordingly, the language exams scheduled for April are postponed to a later date both at the examination centre and at examination sites. The new exam date will be announced as soon as possible based on developments related to the epidemiological situation.

The exam applications that candidates have completed are valid, and the exam fee that candidates have paid is binding. At this time there is nothing that candidates who have already registered for the April exam session are required to do. The submitted applications will be automatically valid for the new exam date that will be announced in the future.

Please carefully follow our website for updates.

SZABÓ Language Prize 2020

Szilvia Szabó founded the SZABÓ Language Prize from her private assets with the aim to promote talented language learners and committed language teachers in Hungary and in Romania.

SZABÓ Language Prize 2020:>>>>>

The number of words for each level of the ECL writing tasks is going to change from October

The number of words for each level of the ECL writing tasks is going to change from October
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Common European Framework of Reference for language learning and teaching

We are more than proud to disclose that the experts of ECL Examinations contributed to the further development of the CEFR descriptors. Our professionals took part in the validation of the descriptors for mediation, online interaction, reactions to literature and plurilingual/pluricultural competence, and assisted in their initial piloting.

New video course in General Bulgarian as a Foreign Language

The brand new video course in General Bulgarian as a Foreign Language at level A1-A2 aims at self-study and teaching Bulgarian language to English speaking foreign students. The video course was designed in 2016-2017 by a team of 6 authors, teaching Bulgarian at the Medical University in Varna. It is suitable for preparing for certification of language achievement on the ECL language exam system. >>>>>>>

ECL Romania

According to the 5088/2015 (29.11.2016) regulation of the Romanian Ministry of Education the ECL language examination in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish languages at levels B1, B2 and C1 substitute the foreign language school-leaving examination in Romania.

Favorable change at ECL language exam from the December 2016 exam term

Result calculation at the ECL exam has changed in favor of the examinees.

It is not required any more to achieve 60% at both the written and at the oral exam but it is enough to achieve an average 60% in all 4 skills all together in order to have a successful complex exam. The minimum is 40% in each skill.

Thus it is possible to compensate the achieved probable weaker result with one or more better result(s) achieved at (an)other skill(s).

E.g. :

40% average achieved at written exam + 80% average achieved at oral exam = successful complex exam


45% achieved at any skill + 60% achieved at any skill + 60% achieved at any skill + 75% achieved at any skill = 60% = successful complex exam

This change comes into effect from December 2016 exam term and is not valid retroactively. The new way of result calculation is valid for a complex exam completed within one exam term only and it cannot be validated for partial exams (written exam or oral exam) completed in different exam terms.

ECL in Riga – Foreign language centralised national examinations

ECL exam has been included in the list of international exams that are equal to the foreign language state centralised examinations in Latvia ( In accordance with the Regulation No. 543 of the Cabinet of Ministers of September 29, 2015, starting with the academic year 2015-2016 school graduates of Latvia have their right to choose the way how to take the exam to confirm their knowledge of foreign languages (English, Russian, Spanish, and French). They should choose between centralised national examinations or one of the international examination, included in the list of international exams that are equal to the state centralised examinations.

International qualification

The ECL language exam has been acknowledged as an international qualification which can be offered for undergraduate admission in the United Kingdom.

For further information, see

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