Thematisches Übungsbuch zur ECL Prüfungsvorbereitung Deutsch Stufe B2 Band 3

The topics book helps students prepare for the ECL Level B2 (intermediate level) German examination. It contains seven topics of the ECL Language examination, with real exam-like tasks for both the oral and the written part: 1.) Zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen 2.) Familie 3.) Wetter 4.) Sport 5.) Hobby 6.) Landeskunde 7.) Modellsatz

The topics also contain a list of the most important vocabulary with their Hungarian equivalents. You can also find sample oral exams with questions and answers. The colour pictures are found in the appendix.

The book is suitable for self-study (the answer keys help with that). It is ideal for learners who do not only wish to pass the exam successfully, but also wish to improve their German. The back of the book contains exam specifications, useful information on exams.

ISBN number: 978-615-5386-07-7

